Tuesday 20 March 2012

Post 24 - Week Update

I have offered to help my friend Lucy on her animation and storyboard. She is still working on the story and so I will help her with camera angles and shots as well as adding my input to the story. I think this will help further develop my skills and add collaboration points.

As well as Lucy's, I am also working on Shaz's and Jordan's animations. In return, Shaz and Lucy have offered to help me with my 3rd film "River Man".

From here, I shall be leaving the layouts to Lucy and Shaz will be helping me with the animating next year. As for my showreel, I will be doing part animations, so just animating key skills such as turns and proportions.

With my character designs, I will get my feedback from Neil, but if I need to change anything, I want to turn to my friends Lucy and Amy who are building on working on character designing.

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