Tuesday 6 March 2012

Post 11 - Week Update

Starting the new brief from Sean, I am a little unsure about what to do for an idea. I don't know whether to start a new one, or to continue the original idea that I had with the action piece storyboard (Post 10). I feel like I don't want to continue the story from the action piece, as I want to expand my storyboarding skills with something else. I did have a short story idea but I didn't think it would be a very good one. I shall talk to Neil or Peter about this later on. What I do want to try and do though, is add some music to the animatic that will come from my storyboards, instead of using voice actors, that way I can try to explain the story without the use of words, and the music will set the mood so that it is more understandable to the audience. I could even try to turn the short film into a film trailer. Perhaps even taking the original idea from the action piece and turning that into a trailer. This would mean that I could team up with others who had skills where I didn't, so as I was not doing all the work. But it would also mean that I would be able to work on it in the 3rd year.

I understand that for the showreel I wouldn't have any animation because I am taking on storyboarding as a full time career, but it would be interesting to be animating in the 3rd year to develop my skills. I will also have to talk to Neil or Peter about this, as I know that I want to be a storyboard artist, but I am also very good at animating, and this would also mean that I would have better luck in employment.

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