Thursday 15 March 2012

Post 13 - Week Update

Ok, scratch that plan, I am now going to work on the other idea, as I have talked to Neil about it and I feel that this will be a new challenge and a new learning curve, as well as the start of my 3rd year project.

The story for my idea is about this woman standing on a river bridge who is feeling sad about something, but we only find out through the action that she takes off her wedding ring, hinting that there has been an argument between her and her partner. Angrily, she throws the ring into the river below and begins to cry. As she cries it begins to rain. A moment later the ring is mysteriously tossed back up and lands nearby. She notices this and wonders how it could have come back up, so she peers over the side of the bridge, and suddenly a man jumps up from out of the water and kisses her. Stunned by this she freezes on the spot and the man from the river pulls back from the kiss smiling. The woman still in shock just stares at him. He smiles back and winks at her before falling back into the river. She snaps out of her trance and goes to the edge of the bridge again to try and see where he has gone. The man, however, cannot be seen, so thinking he may have swum down under the surface of the river, she runs after him along the river bank. Unable to find him, she starts to run back, but not looking where she is going, bumps into a man walking down in the opposite direction. They both turn and look at each other. The man reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring that was left on the bridge. The woman takes the ring back nervously. The man then lends the woman his umbrella that he was holding up. Again the woman slowly takes it and smiles in thank you. The man winks at her and walks off. The woman realising who it was stands there in shock and watches as he walks away. She contemplates about going after him, but settles instead to putting her wedding ring back on.

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