Thursday 29 March 2012

Post 25 - Hanley Fire Animatic

Finally! I have managed to bring the Hanley Fire Animatic into action (no pun intended)
As it didn't want to convert to an MPEG4 or a Quicktime, I uploaded it to my deviantart account as a SWF file.

It can be viewed here:

Tuesday 20 March 2012

Post 24 - Week Update

I have offered to help my friend Lucy on her animation and storyboard. She is still working on the story and so I will help her with camera angles and shots as well as adding my input to the story. I think this will help further develop my skills and add collaboration points.

As well as Lucy's, I am also working on Shaz's and Jordan's animations. In return, Shaz and Lucy have offered to help me with my 3rd film "River Man".

From here, I shall be leaving the layouts to Lucy and Shaz will be helping me with the animating next year. As for my showreel, I will be doing part animations, so just animating key skills such as turns and proportions.

With my character designs, I will get my feedback from Neil, but if I need to change anything, I want to turn to my friends Lucy and Amy who are building on working on character designing.

Post 23 - River Man Animatic 1

River Man rough animatic:

Monday 19 March 2012

Post 22 - First Hand Bridge Photos

Here are some photos I have taken for layout inspiration for River Man. These were taken at the bridge near my house:

Post 21 - River Man Storyboard 2

Here is the updated version of the River Man storyboard. I added rain detail and descriptions:

Post 20 - Faces Animation

Quick animation practice of facial expressions:

Post 19 - River Man Character Designs

River Man character sketches:

Here are some initial sketches for my story, I think I can develop them further but I feel that this is the direction I want the characters to go. I will get some feed back from my tutors first.

River Man ideas based on seals and sea lions

I liked the idea of the River man having a seaweed or algae green colour scheme, and his eyes would be the colour of the water. 

The following are testing the colours that would work for the woman's hair, coat and boots. (The expressions are just silly) I also sketched different hair styles and boot designs that could work. I settled for something simple and easy to animate with.


Dark Brunette

Red Brunette


Dark blonde

Orange coat



Orange/Red hair, with a red coat and blue/black leggings and black boots.

Post 18 - Joust Animatic Inspiration

"Joust" Animatic

I thought that this was very inspirational for my action piece and even for animatic skills.

Thursday 15 March 2012