Wednesday 29 February 2012

Post 10 - Hanley Fire Storyboard


Below is the storyboard for my original action piece idea, as mentioned in Post 8. I have spent about 4 days altogether on this, and I'm quite pleased with the outcome, considering this was my first official storyboard for a proper setting for action.
Without further ado:

Post 9 - Viking & Mime Storyboard

I have volunteered to help out my friend Jordan with his project as we discussed ways to improve his animatic, which I felt was a good opportunity to put my storyboarding skills to the test. Below is a link to Jordan's blog, where he has posted the storyboard I have done for him, and his original animatic. I have also posted the storyboard so as to show improvement and developments.

Jordan Morris' blog:

My storyboard of Jordan's idea: